How do I sign up?
Just click on the "Consignment Forms" tab at the top of this screen and follow the instructions in the attached files. The best place to start is the Consignment Information 2021 PDF. If you still have have questions feel free to contact us.
We accept any tag!
Do you consign at another event? No worries! We accept any tag. You can verify that your consignor number is unique to our sale.
When is the registration deadline?
Sunday, October 10th. *$5 late fee if received after this date.
Any changes for 2021?
Our consignor fee will still be only $10.
Consignors, please note: Fall and Winter kids clothing only. (No summer outfits please.) Costumes, maternity, onesies, and clothing accessories are still encouraged.
We provide a lite meal for our volunteers during the sale.
We now allow 5 stuffed animals per consignor.
This year Saturday will be a half price sale ALL DAY LONG!
What percentage of my sales do I get?
You will receive 60% of your sales if you tag your own items.
You will receive 70% of your sales if you tag your own items and work one shift.
You will receive 80% of your sales if you tag your own items and work two or more shifts.
You will receive 90% of your sales if you are in the process of adopting, tag your own items and work two shifts at the sale. We will also waive the consignor fee.